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3 Courses

Essentials of CLM 3 - Risk Assessment - 8 July to 8 August 2024
FY24-Contaminated Land
Preview Course

FY24-Contaminated Land

Essentials of CLM 3 - Risk Assessment - 8 July to 8 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar. Estimated time to view webinar is 5 hrs. It is available for one month from 8 July to 8 August 2024.

Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

This course, which focuses mainly on human health risk assessment, will outline current UK guidance relating to human health (HHRA) and controlled waters risk assessments (CWRA), and then explore the technical complexity of HHRA in more detail.  It will summarise the importance of toxicology, explain the different Generic Assessment Criteria (GAC) commonly used in the UK (including the SGVs, the C4SLs and LQM/CIEH S4ULs) and outline the UK CLEA model, which is generally used to undertake detailed quantitative risk assessments (DQRA).

Course credit enrolment
Essentials of CLM 2 - Site Investigation - 10 June to 10 July 2024
FY24-Contaminated Land
Preview Course

FY24-Contaminated Land

Essentials of CLM 2 - Site Investigation - 10 June to 10 July 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar. Estimated time to view webinar is 5 hrs. It is available for one month from 10 June to 10 July 2024.

Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

This course explores how the initial CSM should be used to set suitable objectives for a site investigation and then to develop an appropriate sampling and analytical strategy, which should ensure that an appropriate quantity and quality of data is collected to support a subsequent risk assessment. It will explain the different site investigation and laboratory analysis techniques commonly used in the UK and how this data should, and should not, be analysed and presented within reports.

Course credit enrolment
Essentials of CLM 1 - Introduction to Contaminated Land Management  - 7 May - 10 June 2024
FY24-Contaminated Land
Preview Course

FY24-Contaminated Land

Essentials of CLM 1 - Introduction to Contaminated Land Management - 7 May - 10 June 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar. Estimated time to view webinar is 5 hrs. It is available for one month from 7 May - 10 June 2024.

Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

This course will provide an insight into the relevant legislation and explains how the CSM is central to the risk assessment process.  It highlights the sources of uncertainties associated with land contamination and the importance of accounting for these within the risk management process.  It will also outline the phased approach to land contamination management recommended in CLR11 and BS10175 and explore the requirements of the first step of this approach – the Phase 1 assessment or Preliminary investigation.

Course credit enrolment