4 Courses
Climate change
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar . Duration of the webinar is 40 mins. It is available from 19 September 2022 until 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Poor air quality and climate change share many of the same causes, and most of the actions taken to address climate change also come with the co-benefit of an improvement in air quality. These links mean that Local Authorities can look to implement policy measures that target the sources of both greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions. This webinar will examine the links between air quality and climate change, and provide guidance on aligning air quality plans and climate plans so that they work together effectively, maximising the benefits across both areas.
Climate change
This is an FREE interactive webinar delivered by TEAMS at 11:00 hrs on Tuesday 11th July. It will be approximately 1 hour long.
Developing and
improving the GHG baseline for your local authority area. Ricardo prepares data
each year, published on the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
website, on GHG emissions across each local authority area. Referred to as the
Local Authority GHG data (LAGHG), this is a free resource available to all
local authorities to allow them to track progress in meeting net zero targets
and compare progress across local authorities.
This free webinar will cover the following topics:
– An overview of LAGHG – how it is calculated and how it has evolved over time.
– A guide to the latest LAGHG release (2021 data, published in June 2023).
– How you can make best use of the data.
– Options for building on the LAGHG data, using local, regional and national datasets, and other tools
– A case study on using the Defra Scenario Modelling Tool to further disaggregate data (more information on this tool can be found in a pre-recorded webinar which will be released soon).
Climate change
This is a FREE interactive webinar delivered by TEAMS at 11:00 hrs on 13 March 2024. It will be approximately 1 hour long.
Local authorities across the UK are working towards ambitious net zero targets – achieving these will require climate action plans that are tailored to the needs of each local authority area. One of the tools to develop such action plans are emissions reduction pathways as they help with identifying high-impact climate actions and developing a net zero road map by provide the quantitative foundation for decision-making.
This free webinar is the second in our Net Zero series and builds on “Net Zero 1 - Developing and Improving the GHG Baseline for Your Local Authority Area”. It will cover the importance and core concepts of pathways modelling, the creation of meaningful scenarios, and explore how pathways feed into action plans. It will further examine how local authorities can influence emissions in the entire local authority area and delve into the importance of stakeholder engagement.
Climate change
This is a FREE interactive webinar delivered by TEAMS at 11:00 hrs on 17th April 2024. It will be approximately 1 hour long.
This free webinar is the third and final in our free Net Zero series and will build on the Net Zero 2 Pathways webinar. The webinar will explain the next steps once a Local Authority has undertaken pathways modelling and developed an overarching climate action plan to move towards implementation. The first part of the webinar will discuss the different types of activities that can be undertaken to turn a climate action plan from a strategy document into something that is implemented on the ground. Next, it will focus on one key area for implementation – the decarbonisation of heat in buildings. This second part of the webinar will cover how to undertake heat decarbonisation planning, how to tackle complex buildings, the role of heat networks in Council building decarbonisation planning, and key lessons from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.