Net zero implementation: what to do next after your pathways
and climate action plan – a focus on decarbonisation of heat in buildings
This free webinar is the third and final in our free Net
Zero series and will build on the Net Zero 2 Pathways webinar. The webinar will explain the next steps once a Local
Authority has undertaken pathways modelling and developed an overarching
climate action plan to move towards implementation. The first part of the
webinar will discuss the different types of activities that can be undertaken
to turn a climate action plan from a strategy document into something that is
implemented on the ground. Next, it will focus on one key area for
implementation – the decarbonisation of heat in buildings. This second part of
the webinar will cover how to undertake heat decarbonisation planning,
how to tackle complex buildings, the role of heat networks in Council building
decarbonisation planning, and key lessons from the Public Sector
Decarbonisation Scheme.
training material delivered as part of this training programme is
provided on the understanding it is for self-study/training purposes ONLY and may not be copied, stored, transmitted or displayed for the purpose of any trade or business.
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