This is a FREE interactive webinar delivered by TEAMS at 11:00 hrs on Tuesday 11 July 2023. It will be approximately 1 hour long.
Developing and improving the GHG baseline for your local authority area. Ricardo prepares data
each year, published on the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero website, on GHG emissions across each local authority area. Referred to as the
Local Authority GHG data (LAGHG), this is a free resource available to all local authorities to allow them to track progress in meeting net zero targets
and compare progress across local authorities. This free webinar will cover the following topics:
- An overview of LAGHG – how it is calculated and how it has evolved over time
- A guide to the latest LAGHG release (2021 data, published in June 2023)
- How you can make best use of the data
- Options for building on the LAGHG data, using local, regional and national datasets, and other tools
- A case study on using the Defra Scenario Modelling Tool to further disaggregate data (more information on this tool can be found in a pre-recorded webinar which will be released soon)
training material delivered as part of this training programme is
provided on the understanding it is for self-study/training purposes ONLY and may not be copied, stored, transmitted or displayed for the purpose of any trade or business.
For those that were not able to attend the live webinar on 11th July 2023 the webinar is now available to view below. Click on the white arrow to start viewing.