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5 Courses

New Essentials of PPC 5 - Management and Enforcement - 3 June to 31 August 2024
FY24-Emissions Monitoring
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FY24-Emissions Monitoring

New Essentials of PPC 5 - Management and Enforcement - 3 June to 31 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar.  Estimated time to view this webinar is 5 hrs.  It is available from 3 June to 31 August 2024.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

The module will ensure that delegates understand how to effectively manage and discharge the duties required of them as authorised officers in respect of Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control and LA-IPPC. Management issues such as performance management techniques, partnership working and the auditing and peer review of the Pollution Prevention and Control function are discussed as well as the practical issues of managing site inspections, inspection techniques, risk assessments and fees and charges. The legal duty for a Public Register is established as are consultation requirements for Local Authorities. Finally, enforcement of permitting requirements is addressed and advice on best practice enforcement provided and illustrated through an enforcement case study.

Course credit enrolment
New Essentials of PPC 4 - Monitoring and Compliance - 3 June to 31 August 2024
FY24-Emissions Monitoring
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FY24-Emissions Monitoring

New Essentials of PPC 4 - Monitoring and Compliance - 3 June to 31 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar.  Estimated time to view this webinar is 5 hrs.  It is available from 3 June to 31 August 2024.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

This module will cover the monitoring and sampling issues to be taken into account for air, water and land. In addition, energy efficiency, resource efficiency and waste minimisation will be considered with respect to assessing and reducing usage and waste production by permitted activities. The monitoring techniques and compliance requirements for noise and odour are also considered. These measures are considered in the context of setting emissions control conditions in Pollution Prevention and Control permits, and for demonstrating compliance with them. The module culminates with a case study on demonstrating and checking compliance of emissions to air, including essential details of stack monitoring and reporting and a useful checklist for EP officers.

Course credit enrolment
New Essentials of PPC 3 - Emissions and Controls - 3 June to 31 August 2024
FY24-Emissions Monitoring
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FY24-Emissions Monitoring

New Essentials of PPC 3 - Emissions and Controls - 3 June to 31 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar.  Estimated time to view this webinar is 5 hrs.  It is available from 3 June to 31 August 2024.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

The purpose of this module is to introduce delegates to industrial process emissions, describe their nature and explain the various pollution control techniques that are available for the operator of a permitted activity to implement. Emissions to air, discharges to water and releases to land from permitted activities are all considered. The module aims to ensure that delegates can accurately identify the likely pollutants to be considered by conditions included in a Pollution Prevention and Control permit for those industrial processes falling under Local Authority control, including A(2) activities where the imposition of LA-IPPC is necessary. Noise and odour, energy efficiency, resource efficiency and waste minimisation are also all taken into account by this module.

The module culminates with noise assessments, chimney height calculations and dispersion modelling, water and waste audits, giving worked examples.

Course credit enrolment
New Essentials of PPC 2 - Permitting and Regulation - 3 June to 31 August 2024
FY24-Emissions Monitoring
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FY24-Emissions Monitoring

New Essentials of PPC 2 - Permitting and Regulation - 3 June to 31 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar.  Estimated time to view this webinar is 5 hrs.  It is available from 3 June to 31 August 2024.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

The purpose of this module is to provide the framework for the review of permit applications, acceptance criteria and good permit construction.  This will include a detailed examination of the permit application and determination process. A detailed review of PG3/1(12) Process Guidance note and good practice in the construction of permit conditions. In addition, permit variations and transfers, Environment Management Systems, Incidents and accidents and the revocation and surrender of permits is reviewed. The module culminates in a practical exercise in the construction of a workable permit document.

Course credit enrolment
New Essentials of PPC 1 - Introduction to Environmental Permitting - 3 June to 31 August 2024
FY24-Emissions Monitoring
Preview Course

FY24-Emissions Monitoring

New Essentials of PPC 1 - Introduction to Environmental Permitting - 3 June to 31 August 2024

This is a pre-recorded webinar.  Estimated time to view this webinar is 5 hrs.  It is available from 3 June to 31 August 2024.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits

This module covers the principles of environmental permitting and will explain how industrial activities are regulated under the UK’s Pollution Prevention and control framework. The role of PPC and the implementation of the provisions of PPC with other legislation and areas of work such as Statutory Nuisance will be examined.  Delegates will be introduced to the EU Industrial Emissions Directive, which instructs and supports LAPPC / LA-IPPC. Statutory guidance, including BAT is examined and the interface with development control is considered. The module is completed with a case study on a detailed permitting and planning investigation.

Course credit enrolment