17 Courses
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of this webinar is 1 hr 15 mins. It is available from 3 May 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
Solvent management plans are the basis of regulatory compliance with solvent emission installation permits. An SMP is best used to as both an operational tool, and a method of demonstrating compliance with key environmental standards. The session will look at an example of solvent mass tracking and the use of that metric for preparing SMP’s. it will also demonstrate how the SMP can be used to highlight additional areas of interest to reduce solvent usage. Each SMP is particular to the process it is created for and should be tailored accordingly. This talk illustrates a sensible and pragmatic approach to creating a site specific SMP that is both fully compliant with legal requirements and useful to the operatorEmissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of this webinar is 1 hr 15 mins. It is available from 3 May 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
Back by popular demand, we ran this session some years ago with permit conditions, evaluating a number of conditions against the CREW standard… this mirror session is designed to focus on planning conditions. We will look at the basic requirements for planning conditions, the six tests, the groundwork for the conditions in terms of policy background, and ultimately review a number of conditions in context. Please note, this session is the trainers view of the conditions and is normally presented as a syndicate exercise for discussion, some conditions being deliberately provocative. As a web based E-tool that isn’t possible so the analysis is based on the site specific scenario presented and conflicting arguments on suitability will be summarised in a SWOT type analysis of the conditionsEmissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 30 mins. It is available from 3 May 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainers = Tim Glews
A webinar for all officers who may need to administer a permit transfer
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended) determine how and when a permit may be transferred from the current operator or operators to a new operator or operators. It is essential that the transfer is undertaken in strict accordance with the regulations to continue the legal standing of the permit document for successful future enforcement by the regulator. This webinar provides the information required for an authorised officer to administer the permit transfer process successfully.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 1 hr 25 mins. It is available from 30 May 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
BATC for solvent processes has been around since December 2020. Whilst COVID may give some companies an opportunity to claim extensions by way of derogation, the implementation is still set for December 2024, just over 2 years away!
This toolbox talk will evaluate the BAT conclusions in the BATC document and focus on what you as regulators will need to do to evaluate BAT for companies affected by the BAT Conclusions, and, more importantly we will look at what changes a company may need to make in order to comply with the LAU recommended style of permitting, in particular the importance of a good EMS.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 30 mins. It is available from 27 June 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tim Glews
A webinar for all officers who may need to undertake a variation procedure for a permitted activity.
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended) determine how and when a permit may be varied, by either the operator or the regulator, depending on the circumstances. It is essential that the permit variation is undertaken in strict accordance with the regulations to continue the legal standing of the permit document for successful future enforcement by the regulator. This webinar provides the information required for an authorised officer to administer the permit variation process successfully.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 1 hr 10 mins. It is available from 13 December 2023 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
With COP26 now firmly in the tail-lights and other pressures starting to mount on energy use within the UK, its clear that new technologies will be needed to minimise energy consumption in homes and businesses to ensure energy stability and meet climate change objectives.
Ground and air source heating systems have been around for years, but what are they? How to they work? And in practice what are the implications of large scale use for the user and the environment as a whole?
This Toolbox Talk aims to provide some commentary and maybe some answers!
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 12 September 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tim Glews
A webinar for all officers who may need to revoke a permit or need to manage the surrender of a permit.
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended) determine how and when a permit may be revoked or surrendered, depending on specific circumstances. It is essential that a permit revocation or surrender is undertaken in strict accordance with the regulations to discontinue the legal standing of the permit document and bring to an end the existence of the permit by the regulator. This webinar provides the information required for an authorised officer to administer the permit revocation and surrender processes successfully.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of this webinar 1 hr 10 mins. It is available from 26 September 2022 to 31 March 2025
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
The second part of this tool box talk will focus on the planning aspect of recoverable heat and MHVR as well as discuss the changes to the way we live that will be forced on use by the implementation of sustainable low level heating systems and MVHR.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 17 October 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
This toolbox talk will evaluate the BAT conclusions in the BATC document and focus on BAT Option Appraisal. One of the key elements of demonstrating compliance with the new BAT standards for this sector. We will look at raw materials evaluation, process flows and plant options, waste minimisation and more as part of a whirlwind tour of BAT option appraisal.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of this webinar is approx. 31 minutes. It is available from 23 November 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tim Glews
A webinar to instruct officers on the procedure of reviewing a permit & associated documents.
Permits are legal documents, enforceable by law. It is essential that they are reviewed regularly and when necessary varied, transferred, revoked or subject to surrender to ensure the sound legal status of the permit or otherwise discontinue its existence as a legal document. This webinar will demonstrate to officers how a permit should be successfully reviewed to optimise enforceability and when a permit should be revoked or surrendered. The importance of associated documents is also considered.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 12 December 2022 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tony Higgins
With recent events driving up the cost of hydrocarbon fuels like oil and gas set, and the trend likely to continue, alternative sources of hydrocarbon fuels will be increasingly valuable.
This toolbox talk will provide an overview of the pyrolysis process, and review the issues surrounding creation of a small scale Part B SWIP plant. The webinar will seek to answer the question whether pyrolysis is truly sustainable?
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 27 February to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Tim Glews
A webinar for officers who are engaged in the enforcement of permit conditions.
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended) contains explicit provisions to enable authorised officers to take enforcement action for non-compliance with permit conditions. There are several enforcement options available to regulators, the decision on which option to pursue must take into account numerous factors, including the regulators own enforcement policy. It is essential that any enforcement action is undertaken in strict accordance with the regulations to provide the best outcome for the regulator and to ensure the continued protection of human health & the environment. This webinar provides the information required for an authorised officer to determine when & which enforcement option is the most appropriate.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 26 June 2023 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Alan Leonard
A webinar for officers involved in contractor auditing, continuous emission monitoring systems and reviewing monitoring reports. MCERTS is the English Environment Agency’s Monitoring certificate scheme. The objective of which is to improve the quality of all aspects of measurement relating to emissions to the environment (air, land and water). Consequently, standards and requirements for equipment, personnel and companies involved in monitoring are set. This webinar provides and explanation of these requirements and when they are needed in relation to the activities that fall under the responsibility of Local authorities.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. It is available from 8 February to 31 March 2025.
Trainer = Alan Leonard
A webinar for officers who receive and review contractor monitoring reports from process operators and monitoring contractors employed. This provides guidance on monitoring standards and the information that should be present in any report. An objective of this talk is to provide the skills and knowledge to enable confidence in the material presented. Alternatively enable appropriate responses to be made when there are errors or questions present. Common errors seen in reports will be illustrated by using examples and combined with a basic check list a structured approach to review reports will be developed.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 30 mins. It is available from 4 December 2023 to 31 March 2025.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
Trainer = Patrick Harland
This TBT will consider the main activities carried out in the production of roadstone coating / asphalt, the potential for dust and odour that may harm local residents and, how these sites should be managed through the EPR permit.
The main points of the TBT will be:
· Understanding how material is handled on site, the potential for dust and the steps that need to be taken to mitigate those emission.
· Consider potential odour sources within the process and what can cause the odours to be exacerbated.
We will use a worked example to show the consequence of poor siting of a road stone coating plant
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 30 mins. It is available from 17 June 2024.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
EMAQ is offering a tool box talk to provide some insight and support for those involved setting monitoring requirements in environmental permits for Part A2 and Part B activities and, Schedule 13 Small Waste Incineration Plant.
The toolbox talk considers the range of monitoring for air emissions and in particular the specification of reference methods for different types of pollutant. The trainers will address how to determine the monitoring requirements including the pollutants to be monitored, the importance of reference conditions, averaging periods for emission limit values, identifying appropriate test methods, frequency of testing. The key guidance and sources of information to be used to inform the development of appropriate permit conditions will be explained. Good practise for developing permit conditions for monitoring emissions to air is outlined.
Emissions Monitoring Toolbox Talks
This is a pre-recorded mini-webinar. Duration of webinar 60 mins. It is available from 8 July 2024.
Fee = £65.00 plus VAT or 1 credit
This one hour toolbox talk has been requested and provided by popular demand! It provides a summary of the basis for granting of planning consent, and specifically looks at the mechanisms for applying conditions to consent notifications. The session discusses the 6 – tests for planning conditions and provides examples of conditions for review. As well as commentary on how and when to use planning conditions or seek planning obligations.