EMAQ is offering a
tool box talk to provide some insight and support for those involved setting
monitoring requirements in environmental permits for Part A2 and Part B
activities and, Schedule 13 Small Waste Incineration Plant.
The toolbox talk
considers the range of monitoring for air emissions and in particular the
specification of reference methods for different types of
pollutant. The trainers will address how to determine the
monitoring requirements including the pollutants to be monitored, the importance
of reference conditions, averaging periods for emission limit values,
identifying appropriate test methods, frequency of testing. The key
guidance and sources of information to be used to inform the development of
appropriate permit conditions will be explained. Good practise for
developing permit conditions for monitoring emissions to air is outlined.
training material delivered as part of this training programme is
provided on the understanding it is for self-study/training purposes ONLY and may not be copied, stored, transmitted or displayed for the purpose of any trade or business.