Topic outline

  • Delegate Booklet - can be viewed only if enrolled on this course

    • Essentials of Noise 4 - Delegate Booklet File
      Restricted Available from 26 December 2024
    • Essentials of Noise 4 - Session 3 - LFA Report File
      Restricted Available from 26 December 2024
  • Welcome and Introduction

    Information relating to this training module, it's key elements, requirements & means of certification.

    • Session 1: Creating Noise Models

      This session will review the basic theory of noise models.  It will cover the information required to create a model, how that data is used to construct the model, and review model validity and verification.  Example case studies will show the construction of a model in stages explaining how each stage contributes to the whole.

      • Session 2: Model Accuracy, Impact and Uncertainty

        Building on Session 1, this session will look at how models can be used to demonstrate compliance, which parameters can usefully be modelled and how these can be interpreted to help describe impact and provide context. 

        It will also look at determination of uncertainty and the creation of uncertainty budgets and provide an example of how uncertainty can be calculated and used to determine a level of confidence in results.

        • Session 3: Reviewing Noise Models

          This session will cover the review of a submitted noise modelled report.  The session will involve detailed review of a case study and seek to provide a number of key issues to look for, in the review of models.   reviewing a model

          The session will critically evaluate a noise model report with context and highlight areas of uncertainty.  Finally it will provide time to discuss the decision making process to that may be needed to determine compliance with planning, licensing or nuisance issues.

          • Session 4: Basics of Mitigation

            This session will review the theory and practice of specifying and implementation of mitigation measures.  The session will consider, source pathway receptor principles, air and ground absorption, enclosure, barriers, and breaking line of site and other unusual options.  This session will provide the basis for the afternoon case study based sessions.

            • Session 5: Practical Noise Mitigation (Barriers)

              This session will review the most commonly required mitigation measure, noise barriers, it will provide details on the standards to look for/ask for when specifying a barrier, identify the key questions to ask about a barrier, and provide details on how to calculate the optimum height of barriers.  The session will include a brief case study on selection of barriers for a given case study. 

              The session will also touch on other types of noise mitigation measures that can be used in conjunction with barriers.

              • Session 6: Final Case Study With Mitigation

                Session 6 will provide a basic introduction a case study for noise from a rail freight operation, and we will review some of the data produced for the noise impact assessment and the delegates will have an opportunity to compare that data to appropriate standards.  Finally we will provide a basis for determining the appropriate outcome. 

                • Essentials of Noise 4 Knowledge Check, Feedback and CPD

                  The Noise 4 Knowledge Check will enable you to review your understanding of the course material from the 6 sessions across Noise 4.

                  Participants will have three attempts at the Knowledge Check and a score of 75% is required to pass.