This Toolbox Talk is an introduction to the area of Waste Composition analysis.
Do you need to know the extent of contamination in your recycling with additional information on common contaminants and the likely offenders?
Do you know how well your recycling schemes are working and which households are struggling to understand them?
Do you need to prove that the recycling you are receiving is too contaminated to be of value to you?
Do you need to know if you will be able to achieve the targets set out in your waste and recycling strategy – what material is being overlooked, is it worth chasing?
Are there other materials that could help reach targets?
Do you need to know how sustainable your current waste management practices are and could they be more sustainable?
Do you need to understand how your current waste management practices sit within your circularity policies and the size of your carbon footprint?
Do you need to know how DRS, EPR and pERP will impact your current waste management plans?
What impact will legislation have on your feedstock and how is the physical and chemical composition of your feedstock changing?
What design elements do I need to consider to effectively and efficiently manage available feedstock?
All of these questions and more can be answered by waste composition analysis.
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