This is a pre-recorded webinar available from October 2023.
Fee = £85.00 plus VAT or 2 credits
Trainer = Patrick Harland
The planning of a new development has a direct influence on local air quality and therefore the health of people and ecosystems. Air quality should therefore be a material consideration when planning new developments to ensure they are designed and constructed in ways to minimise emissions and reduce the exposure of people to air pollution.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) assist developers in determining when an air quality assessment is required for a new development and outline assessment procedures to complete in support of applications for new developments. SPDs typically set out an approach for the calculation of Damage Costs and the identification of suitable mitigation measures where required.
Damage Costs are a set of impact values, measured per tonne of emission of certain pollutants, which are used to estimate the societal costs associated with small changes in pollutant emissions. They are used to determine the scale of the required investment in air quality mitigation measures.
This webinar provides guidance on how to apply emissions and air quality assessment procedures in support of applications for proposed developments and identify suitable mitigation measures to be included at the planning stage. We will also demonstrate how Damage Costs should be applied to determine the scale of the required investment in air quality mitigation measures.
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