Topic outline

  • Welcome and Introduction

    Information relating to the training package, its key elements, requirements and means of certification. Including the aims of the day and relevant LA officers’ duties.

    • Session 1: Reviewing Reports: General

      Costing; charges; staff availability.

      • Session 2: Reviewing Preliminary Risk Assessment Reports and Practical

        Understand what to look for in reports of desk studies and walkover surveys.

        • Session 3: Reviewing Site Investigation Reports and Practical

          Understand what to look for in factual and interpretive site investigation reports.

          • Session 5: Reviewing Phase 3 Reports: Remediation Strategy and Validation Reports

            Understand what remediation option appraisal, design and verification reports should contain.

            • Session 6: Sources of Information

              Where to deepen your knowledge and keep up-to-date.

              • Essentials of CLM 5 Knowledge Check, Feedback and CPD

                The CLM 5 Knowledge Check will enable you to review your understanding of the course material from the 6 sessions across CLM 5.

                Participants will have three attempts at the Knowledge Check and a score of 75% is required to pass.