This is a pre-recorded webinar available until 31 March 2026.
Fee = £295.00 plus VAT or 3 credits
Trainer = Tony Higgins
The webinar will examine a range of dust related issues that
Local Authorities may need to manage or regulate. The webinar will focus on the regulation of
planning and nuisance issues but be touch on other regulatory regimes such as
environmental permitting legislation. The webinar will provide an introduction
to dust, including a look at how the material properties, definitions and
likely impacts of dust vary depending on the dust type and the activities with
which it is associated. We will review current legislation and guidance on
dust nuisance and how it can be assessed. We intend to use a series of case
studies to reinforce practical aspects of nuisance monitoring and assessment.
On completion of the webinar we expect delegates
will have a better understanding of the use of monitoring and to understand factors
which can influence a successful dust nuisance campaign.
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