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500 UK Local Authority Professionals trained by our EMAQ+ Team of experts

Our UK-based Emissions Monitoring and Air Quality (EMAQ+) team is celebrating a significant milestone. The team’s EMAQ+ training platform has recently facilitated the 500th UK local authority officer passing the rigorous final proficiency exam and their achievement is celebrated on the ‘Wall of Fame’ as a valued member of a community of Local Authority professionals.

Every breath we take

With 99% of the world’s population breathing polluted air every day, and air pollution contributing to millions of preventable deaths each year, it has never been more important that professionals who are seeking to improve air quality get the competency skills that they need to do their jobs with confidence. 

The EMAQ+ programme 

First formed in 1994 for air quality management professionals, the overarching EMAQ+ programme provides training and technical guidance for public and private sector air quality management professionals. Participants have responsibilities to monitor air pollutants, review air quality, assess whether remedial action is required, designate air quality management areas, put in place actions plans, and provide air quality information to the public. Their role is vital to protect and improve air quality as regulated by Part IV of the UK’s Environment Act 1995 and related regulations,


Through the EMAQ+ programme, our team of experts has been supporting and training air quality management professionals since 2011 in the ‘Essentials’ syllabus, and we now provide training in emission monitoring, contaminated land and, more recently, noise.  

Client Feedback

Local authority officers who have been through the programme are very clear on its value. David Dunbar, Principal Environmental Health Officer in the Community Protection Team at Calderdale Council said: “Environmental Health at Calderdale Council has massively benefited from the training offer provided by EMAQ+ in relation to core subjects such as air quality, contaminated land, environmental permitting, and noise, for example. There is a wealth of technical resources available to us to support us working effectively Several colleagues and I have gained and will continue to gain considerable knowledge by achieving qualification in relevant EMAQ+ courses, or by attending ‘toolbox talks’ and webinars in various subjects.”


“There are very few organisations which are able to offer such comprehensive training provided by experienced and knowledgeable colleagues who are clearly passionate about their respective subjects. The EMAQ+ team are professional, helpful, and friendly, and have simply been fantastic, and accessing the courses is really convenient. My Officers and I are happy to continue the positive benefits gained by using the services provided by EMAQ+.” 

Sue Weinand, an Environmental Control Officer, added: “EMAQ are well known as a go-to for training for environmental health officers (EHOs) and environmental staff. Your courses are good, thorough and valuable in terms of information in an area which does not have a large amount of training available.”  

Rigorous standards

The training is held in such high regard by local authorities and industry professionals because of the robustness and rigour of the programme. Local authority officers undertaking the training first have to register and identify a supervisor: a responsible line manager or mentor who will be willing to work with them during the time that it takes to complete the programme. They agree with their supervising line manager, or mentor, a development programme which, by the end of the five- webinar programme, will show evidence of having satisfactorily undertaken the following practical operations required to complete the ‘Essentials’ syllabus.


Shortly after attending each webinar, participants have to demonstrate that they have understood the key topics covered by taking an online knowledge check. If they pass, they will be awarded a credit for that module. Participants who gain all five credits may sit a final proficiency test designed to test their co-ordinated knowledge of all the aspects covered by the whole programme. The test is completed online, under strict exam conditions, at their place of work, guaranteeing the bona fides of the candidate. At the time of the final proficiency test a candidate’s supervisor is asked to verify that their mentee has satisfactorily undertaken the practical operations required and all participants who pass the proficiency test, are awarded the Continued Professional Development Certificate and are added to the prestigious EMAQ+ Wall of Fame.

Great teamwork

Christina Perrett, the EMAQ+ Project Manager who heads the delivery team said: “I would like to thank the core EMAQ+ team of: Clare Aston, Karen Dennis and Kirsty Povey for their incredible hard work. They are absolutely amazing and so supportive of each other and all the professionals who undertake our training. The positive comments from our candidates about the quality of our training programme and why they value it in their professional lives is a fitting testament to the work of our excellent core team.”


We wouldn’t be able to achieve this milestone without the support of the many trainers who have been providing their technical expertise to EMAQ+ for many years, without their continued support EMAQ+ wouldn’t be able to provide the technical know-how and guidance needed to fully service our training programme.


“To train 500 local authority officers via our EMAQ+ platform over the past 13 years is a massive milestone for us, and seeing their achievements celebrated on our Wall of Fame makes us feel incredibly proud. We are really looking forward to the next milestone in EMAQ’s history.”  


Dr Beth Conlan, Technical Director, who leads Ricardo’s Air Quality and Environment team said: “I am really proud of the work of the EMAQ+ core team of Christina, Clare, Karen and Kirsty, as well as the many expert trainers drawn from our wider AQ team. Ricardo has the world’s longest established and one of the largest air quality teams. Our expertise has ensured that for 30 years, thousands of delegates in the UK have benefited from training in emission monitoring, air quality management, contaminated land, noise regulation, waste and, since 2022: water, climate change and odour management.

“Training 500 air quality and environmental officers from across the UK is significant. We are extremely proud of all the local authority officers who have undertaken our Essentials modules in our training programme over the years and celebrate their achievement”